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Form: Rollover

Use this form to rollover any existing superannuation monies into your Resource Super superannuation account.

Form: Change of details

Use this form to provide us with any changes to your personal details, adviser fee or adviser account access authority.

Form: RS Insurance Transfer

Use this form to provide us with transfer details of your Insurance.

Form: RS Insurance Short Form Application

For Death only/ Death and TPD cover up to a maximum of $1 million and Salary Continuance cover up to a maximum of $8,000 per month.

Form: Nomination of beneficiaries

Use this form to nominate who receives your superannuation benefit in the event of your death.

Form: New Member Form

Use this form to provide important details required to set up your account in the Russell Investments Master Trust.

Form: Choosing Russell Investments (Resource Super)

Use this form to have your future contributions paid to the Russell Investments Master Trust (the Fund) by your employer or to make additional super contributions from your before-tax or after-tax salary.

Form: Investment Choice

Use this form to make or change your investment choice.

Form: Adviser Details

Use this form if you wish to add or update financial adviser or licenser details.

Form: Tax File Number Notification and Super Consent

Use this form to provide the Russell Investments Master Trust with your Tax File Number and consent to search for your super on your behalf.

Form:Request for Insurance / Personal Statement

Form: Insurance Opt-In

Use this form to opt-in for automatic insurance cover if you are a new member or you move divisions OR opt-in to maintain insurance cover if you are an existing member who already has insurance.